by Samyamoy Sen Gupta

I am sorry my child
but this place is
not for you.
Here food is scarce
and so is hope.
Here the sky is overcast
and strong winds blow.
Here religion is deep rooted
but logic is not.
Here the air is heavy 
with dirt and smoke.
Water is murky and
so is the mind.

I am sorry my child
but this place is
not for you.
Here you jostle
in crowd always,
and noises keep you
Here are no more
grasses, forests, birds.
Here women are 
to obey and satisfy.
Here happiness
is how much you earn
and so is success.

I am sorry my child
but this place is
not for you.
Here wickeds lead
a good life
And good ones end
in misery.
Here opinions of
crookeds matter.
And you are to
obey and serve
the powerful.

Here people are
too naive, distracted.
Here friends and neighbours
cannot be trusted.
This place was once 
great, virtuous and noble.
But now the inhabitants
are always afraid
and seldom proud.
Their identities have
lost in the crowd.

This is not a nice place
and it's getting worse.
I am sorry my child
but this place is
not for you.
You are better off,
